The American Board of Animal Acupuncture, ABAA, is the certifies licensed acupuncturists practicing animal acupuncture in the United States. The mission of the ABAA is to establish, assess, and promote recognized standards of competency and safety in the use of acupuncture and Oriental medicine by licensed acupuncturists for the treatment and benefit of animals.
Board certification from the ABAA authenticates an acupuncturist’s knowledge and skills to practice the specialty of animal acupuncture. The ABAA recognizes the need for certification to assure that practitioners who are treating animals with acupuncture and Oriental medicine are doing so with advanced knowledge and experience.
The ABAA Board is composed of specialists in the field of animal acupuncture, Oriental medicine, veterinary medicine, animal handling, and education. The ABAA also recognizes that animal acupuncture is, and has been for thousands of years, the domain of practitioners of acupuncture and Oriental medicine, long before western veterinary medicine was ever developed.
The ABAA is a non-profit 501(c) 6 corporation. The ABAA respects the training and lineage of all practitioners who work with treating animals.
Our mission is to promote excellence in the field of Animal Acupuncture by licensed acupuncturists.
In order to fulfill this mission, the American Board of Animal Acupuncture (ABAA) has established standards of competency and safety in the use of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine for the treatment and benefit of animals. Board Certification by the ABAA authenticates an acupuncturist’s knowledge and skill to practice the specialty of Animal Acupuncture. Certification by the ABAA designates the acupuncturist as a Diplomate of Animal Acupuncture and allows the acupuncturist to use the designation FABAA, that is, Fellow of the American Board of Animal Acupuncture.
The ABAA recognizes the need for a certification in order to insure that practitioners who are treating animals with acupuncture and Oriental Medicine are doing so with advanced knowledge and experience. The ABAA also recognizes that Animal Acupuncture is and has been the domain of practitioners of Acupuncture long before western veterinary medicine was developed.